I’m an accredited Personal Performance Life & NLP Coach who loves to help others prioritise a life of fulfilment.
For as long as I can remember I have been passionate about ‘happiness’. Living feeling content and fulfilled.
By happiness, I don’t mean a type of toxic positivity – pretending things are fine when they’re not. And I don’t mean living a life that never has adversities or struggles.
Living happily to me, is the ability to live authentically.
To face life head on, and to feel all the range of emotions while consciously striving to make the very best of life.
To do this, we need to create a strong mindset that can support us to live in this way.
I coach individuals, couples and groups of people who want to prioritise their wellbeing and live a life of increased happiness and fulfilment. I also work alongside organisations and businesses who want to provide this support to their employees.